Alfredo Vellido
Graduated in Physics from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in 1996. Doctor in Neural Computation from John Moores University in Liverpool, United Kingdom, in 2000. Ramón y Cajal researcher in the period 2003-2008, hosted by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC Barcelona Tech.
Currently Full Professor on AI at UPC.
Principal Investigator in the SGR Intelligent Data Science and Artificial Intelligence -IDEAI-UPC- Research Center, of which he is coordinator of the Health thematic area.
Specialized in the area of applications of Artificial Intelligence to (bio)medicine and health.
Chair of the Explainable Machine Learning (EXML) Task Force, member of the Task Force on Medical Data Analysis, and member of the Ethical, Legal, Social, Environmental and Human Dimensions of AI/CI (SHIELD) Technical Committee, part of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) since 2017.
Founding member of the Spanish Sociedad de Inteligencia Artificial en Biomedicina (IABiomed); member of CIBER-BBN (Networked Biomedical Research Centre: Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine) and XarTec Salut Research Networks.
Member of the editorial board of the international journals PLoS One, Neural Processing Letters and Frontiers in Digital Health.
Symposium Chair in the forthcoming 2025 SSCI Conference.