09:30 – 11:00 Workshop 1: New data on innovative manual therapies in oncology. Vanesa Arellano (Spain). Françoise Evrard (Spain). Chair: Esther Martínez.
11:30 – 13:00 Workshop 3: Homeopathy for supporting cancer care, clinical experience and controversies. Jordi Vila (Spain), Natalia Eres (Spain). Chair: Elio Rossi


09:30 – 11:00 Workshop 2: “Instant Analgesia with Acupuncture” – Prof. Liu Zheng’s Protocol. Liu Zheng (Spain). Chair: Beatriz Daza
11:30 – 13:00 Workshop 4: An evidence-based approach to heavy metals detoxification. Sergio Mejía (Spain). Chair: Susagna Muns

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch (not provided)



(13:30-14:00) Opening ceremony
Welcome by the presidents Elad Schiff, Georg Seifert and Isabel Giralt
María Cordón Muro, board member of private medicine of the Official College of Doctors of Madrid
Welcome video by Ms Dolors Montserrat, Member of the European Parliament and Vice-President of the Partido Popular Group in the European Parliament

(14:00-15:00) Transforming Healthcare in Europe through sustainable TCIM. Chair: Isabel Giralt
Hospitals as an Archimedean point for integration: Experiences, challenges and future perspectives. Elad Schiff (Israel)
Synergizing TCIM, Science and Sustainable Development: Universities as Catalysts for Innovation.
Georg Seifert (Germany)

(15:00-15:45) Psychoneuroimmunology and Integrative Medicine. Chair: Isabel Giralt
Everything is everywhere at the same time: The brain decides between health and disease. How bistability is responsible for the maintenance of chronic disease. Leo Pruimboom (The Netherlands)
Integrating the immune and nervous systems with sleeping.
Xevi Verdaguer (Spain)

(15:45-16:00) ESIM AWARDS

Next presentation of the World Congress of Integrative Medicine and Health in Brazil
Ricardo Ghelman (Brazil), Georg Seifert (Germany)

16:00 -16:30 Coffee break in the commercial exhibition area

(16:30-18:00) Round table: IM legislation, non-patentable therapies and procedures, the need for a unique evaluation system. How to implement a global strategy? Chair: Sergio Abanades
Imperative need to assess the therapeutic potential of off-patent therapies Luis Prieto (Spain)
Status Quo of Intellectual Property of Traditional Medicine Products and Therapies in the International Context: UN System. Hiba Boujnah (Germany)
The Current Legal Framework for Non-Patentable Therapies in the European Union. Francisco Almodóvar (Spain)
Presentation of “The Madrid Proposal for a Tailored Evaluation System for Non-Patentable Therapies” and Accompanying Video

(18:00-18:45) Poster presentation in the poster area (S1)

P01        Exploring the Therapeutic Potential of Nux Vomica in Gastritis Using a Traditional Chinese Medicine Network Pharmacology Approach. Lisa Dal Pozzo, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

P02        Could fasting improve symptoms of aromatase inhibitor therapy? A study protocol of a pilot study. Henriette Meyer, Department of Internal Medicine II, University Hospital of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany

P03        Mixed apocrine carcinoma in a heifer treated with homeopathic Viscum abum. Daniela Franco Lopes Frediani, Department of Research, Idis Lamasson Institute

P04        The Differential Impacts of Non-Caloric Sweeteners and Sugar on Brain Function and Metabolism: A Comparative Review Across Ethnic Groups. In-Seon Lee, Kyung Hee University

P05        Thiamine Deficiency associated with Medication Use. Denise Millstine, Mayo Clinic

P06        The Effect of Oil Pulling for the Treatment of Gingivitis - A Randomized Controlled Trial. Tina Biniaz, Carl Remigius Medical School, Hochschule Fresenius, University of Applied Sciences, Idstein, Germany

P07        High-dose Omega-3 in the management of chronic low back pain: a service evaluation. John Hughes, Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine, and University of West London

P08        Designing the nutritional environment in a School Setting:  An Exploratory Pilot Project Introducing Dietary Change and Nutrition Education. Ngoumou Gonza, Charité Competence Center for Traditional and Integrative Medicine, Berlin

P09        Evaluation of Use, Attitudes, Beliefs, and Expectations towards Reflexology among Hospitalized Patients Using the IBEAR-16 Questionnaire: A Cross-Sectional Study. Attias Samuel, Bnai Zion Medical Center

P10        A Comparative Study of Complex and Simple Chuna Manual Therapy for Low Back Pain Patients with Pelvic Misalignment: Safety and Effectiveness. Yeong-Jae Shin, Pusan National University Korean Medicine Hospital

P11        Exploring Somatoemotional Responses in Craniosacral Therapy: A Qualitative Study. Carlos Alejandro Lopez Alban, ZOE H&F

P12        Effects of EMMETT lymphatic drainage on sleep behaviour, cognitive function and quality of life in mild and moderate dementia: A randomised controlled pilot study. Annemarie Loewen, Carl Remigius Medical School

P13        Manual and physical therapies in Cancer Related Fatigue Syndrome: the rationale that allows for better understanding and application. Pietro Marino, Biophysicsdynamic Medicine Study Center Turin - Italy

P14        Effectiveness of Hydrotherapy applied at home on arterial hypertension – a prospective, monocentric, randomized, controlled trail study. Katja Gündling, Interprofessional Graduate School in Integrative Medicine and Health, Witten/Herdecke University GER

P15        The chiropractic care of women in the perinatal period: a cluster analysis to detect similarities among chiropractor respondents. Joel Alcantara, International Chiropractic Pediatric Association

P16        Foot reflexology in people with mental health problems, a learning and service experience. Ana Belén Fernández Cervilla, Facultad de Enfermería, Universidad de Barcelona

P17        The role of Integrative Reproductive Medicine in the Management of RPL. Oliver Ernst, Naturisthar

P18        Trends in the Development of Acupuncture-Related Technologies Based on Patents in South Korea. Sung Min Lim, Korea National Rehabilitation Research Institute

P19        Acupuncture for Spasticity after Stroke: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Sung Min Lim, Korea National Rehabilitation Research Institute

P20        Healing from Guillain Barre syndrome, progressive neuromuscular dystrophy with the naturopathic method of thermoregulation and supplementation with the use of non-invasive diagnostics by Anesa. Case report. Igor Ogorevc, The Jean Monnet University of Brussels,  Scuola di Naturopatia evolutiva BARI

P21        PHQ-9 and HAM-A in Depression and Anxiety Improved Using Calligraphy Meditation and Chanting Mantra – A Randomized Controlled Blind Study. Genevive Julien, Sha Research Foundation

P22        Ketogenic diet as a promising therapy for gastric tumor - case report. Jacquelyne Motta, Do Terra Science

P23        Evaluation of an integrative-anthroposophic guideline for acute gastroenteritis implemented in a German anthroposophic hospital. Melanie Schwermer, Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Herdecke

P24        Correlation of Autonomic Regulation with Selfregulation, Internal Coherence, Sleep Quality and Quality of life in Patients with Type-2 Diabetes. Zerm Roland, Research Institute Havelhöhe (FIH), Berlin and Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Havelhöhe, Berlin, Germany

P25        Acupuncture for Hot Flashes in Cancer Patients: a single-center hospital study. Maria Abad Arranz, Medical Oncology Unit, 'Giuseppe Mazzini' Hospital, Teramo-Italy

P26        Acupuncture in Trigeminal Neuralgia – the qualitative sub-study of the randomized, mixed methods ACUTRIG Trial. Joanna Dietzel, Institute of Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics, Charité – Berlin

P27        Effect of Add-on Therapy with LTRA and CSBHT in Chronic Persistent Asthma Patients: A Protocol for a Randomised, Placebo-control, Parallel, Multi-center Trial. Sung-Woo Kang, Kyung Hee University

P28        The integration of medicinal plants and essential oils in the practice of a comprehensive and ethical nurse in primary and community care. Joaquina Borjas Quirós, ABS Sant Joan de Vilatorrada

P29        The Core Outcome Set for Acute Otitis Media (COS-OM) for TCIM Studies. Esther van der Werf, Homeopathy Research Institute (HRI), London, United Kingdom

P30        Case study. Side effects in an ayurvedic cure of low back pain. Elena Ekta Saura Portillo, Rishi Vidya Ayurveda & Yoga

P31        Integrative Treatment of Chronic Sinusitis, Caused by Progressive Ethmoid Hematoma in Horses. Alessandra Silvério, Brazil

P32        Case study of ayurvedic treatment of fibromyalgia. María Luz Martínez, Can Mora

P33        Treatment of vitiligo in ayurvedic medicine: a practical case. Marta Casellas, ABS Vallcarca-Sant Gervasi.Institut Xevi Verdaguer. COS Cooperativa de Salut.

P34        Ayurvedic management of eczema (Vicharchika): a case report. Marta Casellas Montagut, ABS Vallcarca-Sant Gervasi. Institut Xevi Verdaguer, COS Cooperativa de Salut. Barcelona.

P35        How to realize N-of-1 studies? Study protocol of the acupressure and hypnosis in arterial hypertension (ACUHyp) - a series of exploratory N-of-1 RCTs with a mixed methods design. Miriam Ortiz, Institute of Social Medicine, Charité Berlin

P36        Full recovery from chronic fatigue caused by reactivation of the Epstein-Barr virus through the use of Basic Micronutrition and Specific Micronutrition. Natalia Flores Montero, Consulta Médica Privada

P38        Effectiveness of naturopathic treatments in long covid patients – a retrosspective online survey. Sabine Doerner, Carl Remigius Medical School

P39        Prior knowledge and counseling preferences of medical staff on the integration of complementary medicine in pediatric cancer care: first results of the staff training survey. Lara Nowak, Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Herdecke, Germany

P40       Safety and confidence in the use of complementary medicine for parents of children with cancer: first results of the SiKOM parent information needs survey. Daniela Reis Reis, Department of Pediatrics, Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Herdecke, Germany


(18:45-19:45) Welcome reception in the commercial exhibition area

(19:15 – 20:15) Funding Integrative Medicine Research from Europe. Coordinated by Hiba Boujnah and Elisa Baldini


(19:15-20:15) Integrative Paediatrics Meeting group. Coordinated by Ricardo Ghelman, Jan Vagedes, Georg Seifert and Mónica Rodríguez


(19:15-20:15) youngESIM (yESIM) Kick-off meeting. Coordinated by Julia Berschick
Be part of developing an innovative collaboration to empower early career researchers



(9:00 – 10:30) Integrative Dermatology. Chair: Christina Schepers
Gut-Brain-Skin axis. Sari Arponen (Spain)
Integrating skin microbiome and immunity in dermatological disorders. Cristina Zemba (Spain)
Exploring the link between emotional trauma and the multifactorial etiology of skin cancer. Aneta Lazarov (Israel)

(10:30 – 11:30) Longevity and quality of life. Chair: María Perez
The contribution of TCIM to longevity and healthy ageing. Ana Moreira (Portugal)
Growing old at home, obligation or preference. Julia Gallo (Spain)
Vital and healthy into old age – what we can learn from TCIM for longevity? Christian Kessler (Germany)

11:30 -12:00 Coffee break in the commercial exhibition area

(12:00 – 13:30) Psychedelic Therapies, and Integrative Psychiatry: traditional context, controversies and opportunities. Chair: Sergio Abanades
Healing Beyond Boundaries- Integrative approaches with psychedelic therapies. Oscar Álvarez-Bobo (Spain)
Two decades of psychedelic research in Hospital de La Santa Creu I Sant Pau de Barcelona. Elisabet Dominguez (Spain)
Current research status on psychedelic therapies. Santiago Madero (Spain)

13:30 -14:30 Lunch in the commercial exhibition area


(10:30 – 11:30) Vagal Neuromodulation. Chair: Mike Cummings
Electroceutics: evidence and indications. Esther Martínez (Spain)
Treating healthcare providers: integrative medicine treatments, influence heart rate variability in personnel. Eran Ben-Arye (Israel) and Jan Vagedes (Germany)
Clinical context for vagal neuromodulation. Sameer Kassem (Israel)

(12:00 – 13:30) Harmonizing circadian rhythms with TCIM. Chair: Beatriz Daza
An holistic approach to sleep medicine. Samanta Dall’Agnese (Spain)
Chinese Medicine and circadian rhythms. Maite Miranda (Spain)
Ayurveda and circadian rhythms. Elena Saura (Spain)


(08:00 – 08:45) Qi Gong practice to prepare for the main day of the congress
Daniel Garcia (Spain)

(10:30 – 11:30) Integrative health and physical exercise. Chair: Lidia Brea 
Exercise prescription in the 21st century. Alberto Sacristán (Spain)
Back Pain. Importance of stability, mobility and Strengthening. Fran Martínez (Spain)
Physical exercise such as senolytic and senomorphic. Iván Ibáñez (Spain)

(12:00 –13:30) Low grade inflammation and integrative medicine. Chair: Pedro Rodríguez
Role of nutraceuticals and botanicals in low-grade inflammation. Juan Serrano (Spain)
Acupuncture and Inflammation. Mike Cummings (UK)
Ozone – therapy for inflammation: clinical experience and evidence. Alejandra Menassa (Spain)
Meditation, Yoga and inflammation. Deniah Pachai (UK)
Mindfulness and inflammation. José Miguel Soria (Spain)


(10:30 – 11:30) Oral communications

ROOM C. Chair: Gema Sánchez

Evaluation of Non-Pharmacological Treatment Efficacy for Acute Pain using Battlefield Acupuncture (BFA) among Inpatients in Internal Medicine and Orthopedics: A Randomized Double-Blinded Study. Shira Ginsberg, Bnai-Zion medical center
Effects of forest stays compared to simulated forest on wellbeing and stress perception of highly sensitive persons – a randomized controlled trial in cross-over design. Katja Oomen Welk, University Medical Center Freiburg
LPS and Chronic Disease, How Dysbiosis Fans the Flame of Inflammation. Cheryl Burdette, Progressive Medical Center
An Immunological Dance, How Our Immune System Reacts to Foods. Cheryl Burdette, Progressive Medical Center
The State of Evidence in Acupuncture – A Review of Metanalyses and Systematic Reviews of Acupuncture Evidence – Update 2017 to 2022. Josef Hummelsberger, Wissenschftlicher Beirat im Vorstand der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Chinesische Medizin (SMS)

ROOM D. Chair: Maite Miranda

Reliability and validity of a new test to measure the ability for physical relaxation. Roman Huber, Center for Complementary Medicine, University Medical Center Freiburg
Hot arm baths decrease diastolic blood pressure in a crossover randomized controlled trial. Roman Huber, Center for Complementary Medicine, University Medical Center Freiburg
A feasibility trial of ScarWork on post-breast surgery pain syndrome (PBSPS) in early stage breast cancer patients. Nicole Collaço, Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine, University College London Hospital NHS Trust
The Role of Integrative Reproductive Medicine in the Management of Low Ovarian Reserve. Oliver Ernst, Naturisthar, Barcelona, Spain
Naturopathic nursing interventions in Home nursing services in Germany. Results of an online survey. Regina Stolz, University Hospital and Faculty of Medicine, Tübingen, Germany

ROOM E. Chair: José Ferrer

Quality of Life SF36 Scores Improved using Calligraphy Meditation and Chanting Mantra – a Three years study; XVI European Congress for Integrative Medicine, Integrative Medicine, The Challenge, Madrid November 15-17, 2024. Peter Hudoba, Sha Research Foundation, San Francisco, USA
Relationship between emotional trauma and melanoma location on the meridians of TCM as an expression of the mind-body connection in cutaneous melanoma survivors. Aneta Lazarov, Dr. Lazarov Dermatology Clinic
Effectiveness of dance movement therapy in the prevention and treatment of burnout of the health professionals. Carme Porcar Castell, Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus. Salut Sant Joan-Baix Camp.
Key Concepts of Traditional Amazonian Medicine. Ilana Berlowitz, University of Bern, University of Zurich
Effects of a mindfulness-based intervention in Chilean adolescents in the school context: a pilot study. Paula Bedregal, Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine


(12:00 – 13:30) Oral communications

ROOM C. Chair: Mar Begara

Sarcoidosis therapy with a multi-component mixture based on Viscum album l. Mistletoe extracts and ferrum chloratum. Christian Grah, Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Havelhöhe, Lung Cancer Center
Comprehensive Data on high-dose intravenous Vitamin C – Results of a 10-year prospective non-interventional Study (ENTRANCE Study). Claudia Vollbracht, Pascoe pharmazeutische Präparate GmbH
Phytocannabinoids in multiple myeloma. Preclinical in vitro and in vivo effects on tumor growth and bone infiltration. Cristina Aguzzi, School of Pharmacy, University of Camerino, 62032 Camerino, MC, Italy
Targeting male subfertility through short-term caloric restriction. Katharina Theresa May, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin -Institute of Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics
Phyto- and endo-cannabinoids induced cell death in glioblastoma cell lines. Massimo Nabissi, School of Pharmacy, University of Camerino
NutriJIA-Study: Therapeutic Complementary Whole Food Plant-Based Diet in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis – A Pilot Study on Feasibility. Luisa Schrötter, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Qualitative findings on fasting in a fertility care setting. Jocelyn Behling, Institute of Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics, Charité, Berlin, Germany
Effects of prolonged fasting during an inpatient nature-based treatment on pain and quality of life in rheumatoid arthritis. Meiss Sara, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

ROOM D. Chair: Ariel Schiff

Wellness or medicine? Use and perception of Ayurveda in Germany: data from an online-representative cross-sectional study. Christian S. Kessler, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Getting kids well under water? Efficacy of Kneipp Concept on health promotion in Berlin daycares. Sarah B. Blakeslee, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Keeping the baby and the bathwater? Qualitative findings from the Kita Kneipp Study based on kindergarten interviews and observations of a health promotion concept with young children. Marinela Gerganova, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Eurythmy therapy delivered online can improve cancer-related fatigue: an observational repeated-measures study. Eliane Timm, Institute of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, University of Bern, Switzerland
Differentiating Intermittent, Short-term and Long-term Fasting. Carolin Breinlinger, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Exploring the effectiveness of acupuncture and receptive music therapy in alleviating sleep disorders among elderly: a randomized controlled trial – elamus. Carina Klocke, University Hospital and Faculty of Medicine Tübingen, Germany
Predictors of fatigue improvement in multimodal, multimodal-aerobic and aerobic exercise intervention studies in breast cancer survivors with cancer-related fatigue. Matthias Kröz, Research Institute Havelhöhe, Berlin; Research Department, Klinik Arlesheim, Arlesheim, CH.
Evidence maps on the clinical effectiveness of Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine: Brazilian experience to promote public policies informed by evidence. Ricardo Ghelman, Brazilian Academic Consortium for Integrative Health (CABSIN)

ROOM E. Chair: Gali Stoffman

Feasibility of a custom tailored, evidence-based, theory-informed intervention with mind-body medicine to prevent burnout in healthcare professionals: a mixed-methods single-arm trial. Marleen Schröter, Charité Competence Center for Traditional and Integrative Medicine (CCCTIM)
Tangoing Through Treatment: The Impact of Tango Argentino on Quality of Life and Medication Adherence in Breast Cancer Patients. Friedemann Schad, Hospital Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Havelhöhe Berlin, Germany
Heart failure and Participation in Physical activity (The HAPPY programme) -a focus on the role of mind-body therapies for people with heart failure. Alyson Huntley, University of Bristol
Effectiveness of stress management and relaxation interventions for the management of hypertension and pre-hypertension: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. Alyson Huntley, University of Bristol
Pausing in wondering awe and gratitude is the moderator of the link between experience of nature and psychological wellbeing. Julia Wilhelm, Institute of Integrative Medicine, University of Witten/Herdecke, Herdecke, Germany
Development of an interdisciplinary, mind-body-medicine, self-help group program for post-COVID-19 syndrome: study design and feasibility of the NASH randomized controlled trial. Pithan Christiane, Center for Integrative Medicine and Planetary Health, University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Yoga for Arterial Hypertension. Wiebke Kohl-Heckl, University of Duisburg-Essen



(14:30 – 16:00) Immunomodulation in the era of cancer immunotherapy. What can integrative medicine contribute? Chair: Natalia Eres
Inmunotherapy and cancer management: state of the art. Amparo Iraola (Spain)
The Human Microbiome and Cancer: A Complex Interplay with Diagnostic and Therapeutic Implications. Toni Gabaldón (Spain)
Immunity and systemic hyperthermia. Santos Martin (Spain)
Potential effects of plant-derived products in cancer immunotherapy. Yvonne Samstag (Germany)

(16:00 – 17:15) Environmental health. Chair: Sara Pons
Disruption endocrinology: point of view from integrative medicine. Nicolás Olea (Spain)
Ripple effects: the intimate connection between ocean health, human well-being, and climate change. Joan Moranta (Spain)
Nature and forest therapy – current overview of clinical evidence. Michael Jeitler (Germany)

17:15 – 17:30 Coffee break in the commercial exhibition area

17:30 – 18:15 Poster presentation in the poster area (S2)

P01        Homeopathic Viscum album mother tinctures reduce the activity and expression of Na+/K+ ATPase in kidney cells (LLC-PK1): new targets elucidated in an in vitro model. Rodrigo dos Santos Pinto Duarte, Multidisciplinary Lab. of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

P02        Diversity in mistletoe therapy prescribing in the United Kingdom. Lorna J Duncan, University of Bristol

P03        Integration of naturopathic and complementary medicine in Germany’s intensive care units – A nationwide quantitative survey among doctors and nurses. Alicet Castro Rodriguez, Carl Remigius Medical School, Hochschule Fresenius, University of Applied Sciences, Idstein, Germany

P04        Effect of Acupuncture on ADHD: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Yunna Kim, Kyung Hee University

P05        Effect of Herbal Medicine on ADHD: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Yunna Kim, Kyung Hee University

P06        Online activity-based mindfulness training relieves stress: a large-scale repeated-measures evaluation. Eliane Timm, Institute of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, University of Bern, Switzerland

P07        The Effects of Yoga Fitness on Hypertension and Quality of Life in Adults. Jessica Bernhardt, Carl Remigius Medical School

P08        A Case of Very Severe Aplastic Anemia (VSAA) Improved with Tao Calligraphy Mindfulness Practices. Consuelo Fernandez, Sha Research Foundation

P09        Autogenic Training for chronic health conditions: A service evaluation. John Hughes, Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine

P10        Effect of Qigong and Meditation on ADHD: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Yunna Kim, Kyung Hee University

P11        Horse-assisted systemic movements in an adult with liver disease: case report. Maria Ruth Villela, Fairy Valley Farm, MSAC

P12        Horse-assisted Systemic Movements in the Integrative treatment of a patient with gestational Polymorphism: Case report. Maria Ruth Villela, Fairy Valley Farm, MSAC

P13        Biotronics – new method of energy therapy. Tomáš Pfeiffer, Professional Chamber Sanator - the Union of Biotronicists of Josef Zezulka

P14        Biotronics – historical case series in energy therapy. Tomáš Pfeiffer, Professional Chamber Sanator - the Union of Biotronicists of Josef Zezulka

P15        Reiki as a well-being promoter in an obstetric hospital service: a pilot study. Fernanda de Souza Teixeira, Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil

P16        Ketogenic Diet: Enhancing Survival and Quality of Life in Lymphoma. Jacquelyne Motta, Do Terra Science

P17        Attitudes toward nutrition in Germany - Results from an online representative cross-sectional survey. Michael Jeitler, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin

P18        Health on a plate: Using implementation mapping to establish a healthy and sustainable food environment in the Charité Centre for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine. Anne Schirmaier, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin

P19        Effectiveness of integrative medicine in the management of lymphoma survivors. Ohad Cohen-Naznin, Bnai Zion Medical Center, Haifa, Israel

P20        Resources and facilitators of workplace well-being among healthcare professionals in a hospital setting – results of a qualitative study. Julia Berschick Berschick, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin

P21        Integrative immunological approach in a child with alopecia areata universalis and EBV reactivation: a case report. Zenia Flores de Apodaca, Clínica Flores de Apodaca

P22        An overview of 50 published databases resources for Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine: An update. Christa K. Raak, Institute of Integrative Medicine, Faculty of Health, Witten/Herdecke University, Germany

P23        Silent Inflammation in the Jawbone and Osteoimmunology - Systemic Diseases and Neglected Chemokine Inflammatory Pathways Detected by Ultrasound. Johann Lechner, Clinic Integrative Dentistry Munich

P24        Acupuncture as integrated treatment in pain and dysfunction syndrome of temporomandibular joint. Secondo Scarsella, Maxillofacial Surgery Unit, San Salvatore Hospital, L'Aquila-Italy

P25        Correlation between Autism Spectrum Disorder and Biochemical Parameters: Our Experience. Slobodan Dunjic, Holistic plus, private practice

P26        Some biochemical parameters and their relation with prostate specific antigen – our experience. Slobodan Dunjic, Holistic plus, private practice

P27        Mitochondrial energy metabolism and Bioresonance. María Jesús Núñez, Healthing

P28        Effect of healing earth on glyphosate and its influence on selected bacterial strains - An in-vitro study. Peter Gündling, Interprofessional Graduate School in Integrative Medicine and Health, Witten/Herdecke University GER

P29        Can wearable device promote physical activity and reduce pain in people with chronic musculoskeletal conditions? (Systematic Review). Kereaseen Oluwatobiloba Eboreime, University of West London, London. Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine, London

P30        Effect of Bioresonance Therapy on Selected Bacterial Species. Jürgen Neuhaus, Carl Remigius Medical School, Hochschule Fresenius, University of Applied Sciences, Idstein, Germany

P31        Biological effects of thermoresponsive hydrogel loaded with Viscum album dry ethanolic extracts (Vade) on human prostate cancer cells: seasonal aspects and influence of drug delivery system. Carla Holandino, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

P32        From Constipation to Conception: A Holistic Approach to Women's Health – case report. Dušan Vešović, VISAN Sanitary Medical School of Applied Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia

P33        A Study on the Development of a Recording System for the Safety of Herbal Medicine during the Postpartum Period. Sumin Seo, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine

P34        Complementary and alternative medicine usage among medical students at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences in 2021. Mohammad Ebrahim Zohalinezhad, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences

P35        RAVA® - Regulative and Vitalizing (Ear-) Acupuncture. Thomas Rampp, University of Duisburg-Essen

P36       Evidence map of acupuncture for musculoskeletal disorders. Lin Ang, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine

P37       Can acupuncture play a part of facial muscle twitching treatment?. Teik Joo Quah, Tan Tock Seng Hospital

18:30 – 19:30 ESIM Assembly

20:30 Gala dinner at Caná Golf restaurant – Sponsored by Boiron (Not included in the congress registration fee)


(14:30 – 16:00) Integrative paediatrics: Ecogenetics and neurodevelopmental disorders. Chair: Mónica Rodriguez
The ontogenetic and phylogenetic development of the three brains in the light of psycho-neuro-immuno-endocrinology and epigenetics. Ricardo Ghelman (Brazil)
Ecoalleles in developmental disorders: exposome and genetic predisposition. Mar Begara (Spain)
Integrative approach to neurodevelopmental disorders. Gema Sánchez (Spain)

(16:00 – 17:00) Integrative odontology “Joining the body”. Chair: Neus Esmel
The mouth as a gateway to health. Moneiba Cabrera (Spain)
The silent illness: mandibular cavitations. Systemic illnesses linked to the mouth. Giovanna Chiriby (Spain)
Downward postural syndrome of oral and dental origin. Paul Brami (Spain)

(17:30 – 18:30) Integrative Oncology Meeting Group. Coordinated by Eran Ben-Arye


(14:30 –16:00) Mind-Body-Medicine. Chair: Susagna Muns.
From West to East. A reflective and integrative perspective from Family and Community Medicine. Etel Carod (Spain)
Synapsis and sacraments, from neurons to nirvana. Pedro Rodríguez (Spain)
Kriya yoga in emotional management in the chronic illness. Mario Navarro (Spain)

(16:00 – 17:15) Colloquium: Sexuality, an integrative point of view. Chair: Alejandra Menassa.
Pere Estupinyà (Spain)
Francisca Molero (Spain)


(14:30 – 16:00) Oral communications. Chair: Esther Martínez

Patient satisfaction on traditional Chinese medicine telemedicine service during the Covid-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study. Fai Fai Ho, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
A novel didactical approach to university education regarding nutrition and fasting. Daniela Koppold, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
The Use of non-pharmacological Complementary Therapies in the German National Cohort Study (NAKO). Weronika Grabowska, Institute of Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics, Charité
Use and Acceptance of Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine (TCIM) in Germany—an Online Representative Cross-sectional Study. Michael Jeitler, Institute of Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Prospective observational study of advanced or metastatic lung cancer patients treated with Viscum album l. therapy in combination with immune checkpoint inhibitors. Christian Grah, Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Havelhöhe, Lung Cancer Center
Non-invasive diagnostics of physiological networks in the field of integrative medicine. Steffen Schulz, CCCTIM, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
The Global Exposome. Luis Falcon, PrecisionMed

(16:00 – 17:00) Oral communications. Chair: Deniah Pachai

The Impact of Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine use on the Health-Related Quality of Life – Results from a large Cross-Sectional Representative Online Survey in Germany. Ortiz Miriam, Institute of Social Medicine, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Assessing how complementary and integrative healthcare counselling affects the perceived severity of self-reported unmet needs in cancer patients. Cornelia Mahler, Institute for Health Sciences, University Hospital and Faculty of Medicine Tuebingen
Reasons for Encounter and recommended Complementary Interventions in Breast Cancer Patients within an Interprofessional Evidence-Based Counseling Program for Complementary and Integrative Healthcare (‘CCC-Integrativ’). Schmitt Andreas, Universität Tübingen, Institut für Allgemeinmedizin und Interprofessionelle Versorgung
Psychometrics of a german version of the needs evaluation questionnaire (NEQ-25-G) for outpatient cancer patients. Sini Heinolainen, Department of Nursing Science, Institute of Health Sciences, University Hospital Tübingen
Internal Coherence Scale: concept and clinical application – a useful questionnaire for research in integrative medicine? Matthias Kröz, Forschungsabteilung der Klinik Arlesheim, Arlesheim, Switzerland

(17:30 – 18:30) The industry reports. Chair: Daniel García

17:30 BOIRON
Homeopathy: a model for integrative medicine
Isabelle Chanel


Integrative treatment of metabolic syndrome
Roberto Navarro Pérez

Omega-3 fatty acids and curcumin sinergies in the insulin resistance and type II diabetes
Alberto Rampérez Martín


(14:30 – 16:00) Oral communications. Chair: Isabel Giralt

A systematic review of turmeric /cucurmin for oral mucositis due to radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy for head and neck cancer. Saul Berkovitz, Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine, University College London Hospitals NHS Trust, UK
Effects of homeopathic dilutions on immunomodulation of the tumor microenvironment – Study in a multicellular 3D model. Debasly Solène, CNRS UMR 7369 MEDyC, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Reims, France.
Premenstrual Syndrome: Design and Pilot Study of a Survey on the Use and Acceptance of Naturopathic and Complementary Medicine Approaches. Magdalena Nicotra, Carl Remigius Medical School, Hochschule Fresenius, University of Applied Sciences, Idstein, Germany
‘Stronger Than Yourself’: A Pediatric Oncology Medication Adherence Intervention Program and Nurse Training Initiative. Raviv Peleg
Use of traditional, complementary and integrative medicine for different diseases in Germany: a cross-sectional survey. Tido von Schoen-Angerer, Charité Competence Center for Traditional and Integrative Medicine, Berlin, Germany
Evaluating the Efficacy of Multimodal Integrative Inpatient Therapy Incorporating Whole-Body Hyperthermia in Post-Covid Syndrome Patients: A Case Series Analysis. Jan Vagedes, University hospital, University of Tuebingen, Germany

(16:00 – 17:00) Oral communications. Chair: Cristina Zemba

Enhancing Patient Activation: Impact of an Interprofessional Counseling Program on Complementary and Integrative Healthcare (CIH) at Comprehensive Cancer Centers (CCC-Integrativ Study). Jan Valentini, Institute for General Practice and Interprofessional Care, University Hospital Tuebingen, Germany
Use of and attitudes toward integrative medicine and nursing among employees of a German university hospital. Lea Raiber, University Hospital Ulm, Ulm, Germany
Complementary medicine use and uptake of COVID-19 vaccination among US adults: a nationally representative survey. Holger Cramer, University Hospital Tübingen
Curriculum of nursing degree in Spain in relation to the integrative approach. Is it coherent with social reality?. Alicia Lluva, I.C.S.
Bioethics and integrative pediatric oncology. Regarding the care model of a comprehensive pediatric cancer center. Cristina López de San Román Fernández, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona
Models towards incorporation of TCIM interventions within the UK healthcare: findings from a qualitative study. Klara Dolakova, Charles University in Prague, Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine

(17:30 – 18:30) The industry reports. Chair: Etel Carod

SIBO: symptoms, approach and treatment
Asun González

Transforming Patient Care with Advancements in Precision Diagnostics
Malek Bishawi

Yatromathesis: the revival of Western traditional integrative medicine
Juan Carlos Avilés


(14:30 – 16:00) Oral communications. Chair: Elena Saura

Evaluation of mindfulness training by 247 medical students. Klaus Kramer, Department of Integrative Medicine, University Hospital Ulm, Germany
Yoga and pranayama as health tools, a systematic review. Irene Blanco del Río, Grupo Thuban, Synergia Medical care, Ixilka Biotech S.L.
The effectiveness of group and individual training in Emotional Freedom Techniques for patients in remission from melanoma. Aneta Lazarov, Dr. Lazarov Skin Cancer Clinic
Unveiling the Potential of Hyperthermia: A Therapeutic Approach for Longevity and Cellular Resilience. Noah Molinski, Von Ardenne Institute of Applied Medical Research
Acupuncture vs Sham acupuncture in the treatment of cellulitis in hospitalized patients: Preliminary results of a randomized controlled trial. Gavrieli Sagi, Bnai Zion Medical Center
Association of healthy lifestyle behaviours with incident irritable bowel syndrome: a large population-based prospective cohort study. Fai Fai Ho, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Concentrated Growth Factor Application via Acupuncture Points for Effective Cosmetic Application. Mehmet Tuğrul Cabıoğlu, Ankara Medipol University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Physiology

(16:00 – 17:00) Oral communications. Chair: Sameer Kassem

The E-KIDS-PROJECT: subjective perceptions of food and food environment among young people from low-income households in Berlin. Lara Steyer, Charité- Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany
Molecular mechanisms underlying the modulation of glioma by endocannabinoids and the role of microglia. Maria Beatrice Morelli, University of Camerino
Acupressure as a Tool to Enhance Patient Activation in Cancer Patients. Birgit Kröger, Institute of General Practice and Interprofessional Care, University Hospital Tuebingen, Germany
Stress associated with type 1 diabetes. Bettina Berger, University Witten/Herdecke
Evaluating Mobile HRV Biofeedback for Employee Stress Management: Impact of Digital vs. Live Instruction in a Non-Randomized Controlled Trial. Jan Vagedes, University hospital, University of Tuebingen, Germany
The Holistic Solution to Fatigue: The Synergistic Effects of Detoxification, Personalized Supplementation, Physical activities, and Dietary Changes. Dušan Vešović, VISAN Sanitary Medical School of Applied Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia



(09:00 – 10:00)  Integrative medicine and Fatigue Syndrome. Chair: Benno Brinkhaus
Acupressure and Qigong for the treatment of post COVID-19 chronic fatigue. Results of the ACUQiG trial. Joanna Dietzel (Germany)
Adrenal fatigue in the Cancer Patient. Natalia Eres (Spain)

(10:00 – 11:15)  News from fasting therapies. Chair: Georg Seifert
Advances in fasting therapy – new mechanisms of an old method. Daniela Koppold (Germany)
Intermittent and therapeutic intermittent fasting. Susagna Muns (Spain)
Can we increase metabolic flexibility in type 1 diabetes by fasting? Bettina Berger (Germany)

11:15 – 11:45 Coffee break in the commercial exhibition area

(11:45 – 13:00)  Innovation, Artificial Intelligence and integrative medicine. Chair: Elad Schiff
Pills of integrative AI. Alfredo Vellido (Spain)
The power of Integrating traditional diagnostic methods with modern science. Ariel Schiff (Israel)
Immersive Healing: the role of Virtual reality in Complementary medicine. José Ferrer (Spain)

(13.00 – 14.00) Round Table: What is the future of integrative health and medicine? Chair: Juan Serrano, Christina Schepers
Adopting The ASCO-SIO model for establishing integrative guidelines: Is it time in Europe? Eran Ben-Arye (Israel)
A new pathophysiology, from fragmentation to globality. José Francisco Tinao (Spain)
Evidence maps on the clinical effectiveness of Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine: Brazilian experience to promote public policies informed by evidence. Ricardo Ghelman (Brazil)
Open colloquium: Elio Rossi (Italy), Isabel Giralt (Spain)

14:00 – 14:15 Closing ceremony / Prizes / Next congress presentation


(10:00 – 11:15) Art Therapy & Music Therapy. Chair: Margarita de Legórburu
Neuroplasticity, emotional intelligence and art therapy: the transformative power of the creative process. Eva Espinosa (Spain)
Music Therapy approaches in the field of intellectual disability. Xevi Compte (Spain)

(11:45 – 13:00) Crisis and integrative medicine. Chair: Eran Ben-Arye
Peace of mind – the role of IM during a war crisis. Gali Stoffman (Israel)
Acupuncture for the world. Isabel Giralt (Spain)
Synergy for mental health: Integrative medicine in workplace health promotion and prevention. Anna Katharina Koch (Germany)


(10:00 – 11:15) Spaces, architecture and health. Chair: Mónica Rodríguez
Living through sharing and in sustainability. Ana Fernández (Spain)
Study of geomagnetic field disturbances caused by building materials: prototype SD7. Eva Gómez (Spain)
Feng Shui and Health at home. Kailin Chang (Spain)
Efficacy and safety of green space interventions on mental disorders-a systematic review and meta-Analysis. Sarah Blakeslee (Germany)

(11:45 – 13:00) Women’s health. Chair: Emma Esteve
Progress in integrative gynaecology. Alexandra Henriquez (Spain)
Is there a Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD/PMDD) Phenotype related to Uterine inflammation? Juani Lafaja (Spain)
Rediscovering menopause: myths and realities in treatment with bioidentical hormones. Natalia Gennaro (Spain)

This program may be subject to some changes