Xevi Verdaguer
- Especialista en PsicoNeuroImmunología y divulgador científico.
- Specialist in PsychoNeuroImmunology and scientific disseminator.
- Graduate in Human Nutrition and Dietetics (University Isabel I Burgos)
- Graduate in Physiotherapy by the UCAM of MURCIA. col. 1468.
- Director and founder of the Institut Xevi Verdaguer (Barcelona, Madrid and Olot) Director of the Xevi Verdaguer Academy
- Director of the Master in PsychoNeuroImmunoEndocrinology (PNIE) and Health Trainer in Barcelona and Madrid, accredited by FEMI.
- Director Project Health SL
- Director of the event ‘Health Hackers Meeting’
- Specialist in Micro-Immunotherapy. Clinical Hypnosis.
- Posturologist, acupuncturist and specialist in CranioMandibular and CranioCervical Osteopathy.